
作者:李金宝 来源:文章屋 更新时间:2024-04-24 00:21:50 三年级英语作文


One day, I played table tennis with Cheng Li and Shu Peng. I played against Cheng Li first. I sent a high ball and I gave Cheng a chance. Cheng Li tries hard to fight. I catch him, but I'm afraid he can't fight. But a miracle happens. As a result, I fight. And it's a short ball. Cheng Li doesn't catch it. I'm so happy now. Cheng Li lost. It's Shu Peng's turn to fight with me. He plays table tennis very fiercely. I'm afraid that I can't beat him. I'm a little short of confidence. He sent a low ball. I took it lightly, but he didn't catch it. At this time, I was secretly happy. He made another lob, I hit it hard and he didn't get it. I'm so happy. I won Cheng Li and Shu Peng.


I told you that playing table tennis can exercise your body. If you insist on it for a long time, you may beat the world champion and the world! Let's fight together!

上一篇: 家长会 下一篇: 可爱的小狗