观"你好,李焕英"电影有感 英语作文

作者:原创 来源:文章屋 更新时间:2024-04-25 09:58:40 高一年级英语作文

  观你好,李焕英电影有感 英语作文范文:仅供网友交流之用,本文由小编编辑写作,未经允许,请勿转载。

  During the Spring Festival,there are many theatres showing a wide variety of movies such as love stories, spy stories, adventure ones, science fiction ones, and Kung-fu ones.Watching movies has increasingly been one of the most popular forms of entertainment.As far as I am concerned, I like watching movieHi,Mom which directed by Jia Ling.


  We can learn something useful things from movie Hi,Mom it canguide me to solve the problems in our lives. By watching 《Hi,Mom》 which is closely relative to our lives, we are able to get some lessons from the ways to solve problems between mother and child.


  The greatest significance of Hi,Mom is to alert every child. No matter how good a movie you make, no matter how famous you are, no matter how many remedies you make, If those who lost relatives, the issue was that none of the dots had any meaning whatsoever.The meaning of life is far greater than success.


  All in all, the advantages of watching movies are not limited in relaxing and entertaining, but also in other aspects. Therefore, we should think about what we have learned from the movie after watching it.



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