
作者:刘文仲 来源:文章屋 更新时间:2024-04-20 18:29:06 五年级英语作文


This afternoon, the final of the first story King competition in Huangyan District was held in Huangyan vocational and technical school. Two gold, four silver and eight bronze medals will be awarded out of 39 competitors.

一到比赛现场,整个场地里人山人海的,非常热闹。有的在化装,有的在紧张地练习,还有的在抓紧时间换衣服,甚至有的正积极地冲向厕所…… 要抓阄了,我抓到一个16号,心里很高兴,这是个不错的号次。接着,紧张而激烈的比赛开始了。看,这个讲的是《小猫钓鱼》,他还准备了一套渔具呢。那个讲的是《聪明的小乌龟》,只见她讲得绘声绘色,表情十分丰富,动作非常自然,一下子就把观众吸引住了。这时赛场里鸦雀无声,大家好像都闭住了呼吸,静得连一根针掉在地上都听得见。她刚一讲完,赛场里就响起雷鸣般的掌声,最后她拿了一个9、57的高分。但是,也有讲得不好的,有好几个小朋友讲着讲着就忘词了,有的过了几秒钟就想起来了;有的中间停了2分钟多,最后她实在想不起来了,就说:“谢谢大家,我的故事讲完了。”


At this time, I feel happy and worried. I'm glad that if they don't speak well, I will have a greater chance to win the prize. I'm worried that if they don't speak well, they won't get the prize. Finally, it's my turn. I stepped onto the podium in a leisurely way and began to tell the story of "little Mantis learning art". While I was talking, I accompanied the movements to tell the mistakes made by the little mantis in the process of learning art carefully and clearly. In a moment, I imitated the little Mantis to cut the broadsword, in a moment, I learned from the mother of the mantis to catch insects, in a moment, I was Mr. monkey to teach boxing, in a moment, I was a bear master to saw wood. When the story is over, I'm tired and sweaty. In the end, I won the bronze medal in eighth place.


This storytelling competition is really meaningful. It not only trains my courage, but also enriches my experience.

上一篇: 美丽的风车 下一篇: 挖野菜