
作者:李全益 来源:文章屋 更新时间:2024-04-27 20:44:50 一年级英语作文


My hometown is in Zibo, Zibo is a beautiful city.  

我姥姥家的前面是广场——金帝和银座。这是淄博非常雄伟也是最有名的广场。我和宇宇哥哥到银座玩电脑,我们还到金帝吃牛肉面,非常好吃,是我妈妈请的客。这两个广场很有意思吧? 姥姥家的东面是美丽的公园,公园里的大型生态玩具非常好玩。在这个 玩具世界里,可以攀高,可以奔跑,还可以拽着绳子踩着木头一个一个地向前走,还有迷宫呢。 回到家,我和宇宇哥哥可以吃到姥姥炸的香喷喷的炸肉。 淄博可真美、真漂亮、真好啊!

In front of my grandma's house is the square - golden emperor and Ginza. This is the most magnificent and famous square in Zibo. My brother Yu and I went to Ginza to play computer games. We also went to Jindi to eat beef noodles. It was delicious. It was my mother's treat. Are these two squares interesting? To the east of grandma's house is a beautiful park. The large ecological toys in the park are very interesting. In this toy world, you can climb, run, drag the rope and step on the wood one by one. There are also mazes. When we got home, brother Yu and I could eat the delicious fried meat from Grandma. Zibo is so beautiful, so beautiful, so nice!


Welcome to my beautiful hometown

上一篇: 定格的爱 下一篇: 我的家