
作者:曹迪 来源:文章屋 更新时间:2024-04-26 19:15:45 三年级英语作文


Every time I write a composition, my mother always helps me to modify it, input it into the computer, and then submit it to the dictionary composition website.


Watching my mother's fingers continuously tap on the keyboard, a string of Chinese characters quickly jump into the computer, I am very envious. My mother told me that there are many ways to input Chinese characters in the computer, including Pinyin and five strokes. As long as you use the CTRL and shift keys to switch, my mother uses five strokes to type.


Yesterday, my mother was helping me input the article "watch monkey", when I got a call out, I tried to switch the input method to Pinyin, and began to input by myself. I found a letter on the keyboard. It took me a long time to find a letter. Slowly I found the home of these letters, and the input speed was faster. After a while, I found that the original words can be typed continuously. For example, "the power of nine cows and two tigers" can be selected by inputting "jiu", ha! That's interesting. The faster I lose, the faster I can input an article.


Mom came back, saw my own input of the article, surprised speechless, repeatedly praised me.

上一篇: 参观烈士陵园 下一篇: 我的妈妈