
作者:陈芳信 来源:文章屋 更新时间:2024-04-28 01:17:12 四年级英语作文


My hometown is in Zaoyang, which is famous for its peaches. The peaches are ripe and sweet. The taste is very good.

春天来了,粉红色的桃花开了,象小孩儿的脸,美丽极了! 过了不久,粉红色的桃花纷纷落下,象天女散花一样,飘飘扬扬,十分好看。


I don't know when, peach secretly out of the drill, hairy, green. When the peach grows to the size of an egg, the color changes from blue to white, but the whole body is still covered with fur, but the more white the fur becomes, the thinner it becomes.


Slowly, the peaches are mature, white in the red, like snow dolls, red face, open the green peach leaves, playfully secretly smile to people. I love the peaches in my hometown, and I love the peach farmers who work hard. They create the sweet fruit.

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