
作者:罗贵明 来源:文章屋 更新时间:2024-04-28 05:27:20 三年级英语作文


One day, I was playing outside and found a seven color flower in the corner. At this time, the flower said: "little friend, since then, you are my master, I will help you to achieve a few wishes. You just tear off a petal and go out and say, "fly, fly It will do it for you. "

我惊讶极了,忙把它捡起,仔细打量着他,它有七片花瓣:红、黄、绿、蓝、青、紫,一片花瓣一种颜色。 我拿着七色花,高兴地说:“我要试一下这七色花灵不灵!”说着就撕下一片青花瓣,扔出去说:“飞吧,飞吧,让世界上人人都有一朵七色花。”刹那间,路上的行人手里都拿着一些七色花,正对我笑呢! 我继续向前走去,碰见一个跟父母走散的孩子。我忙撕下一片红花瓣,仍出去说:“飞吧,飞吧,让这个孩子找到父母吧。”顿时,我看见孩子的父母高高兴兴地带着小孩回去了。 我走进城里,发现这里的环境并不好,工厂排出了废水,屋顶昌出黑黑的烟,到处是噪音……,我忙撕下一片紫花瓣,扔出去说:“飞吧,飞吧,让城市的环境变得好些。”


In an instant, the environment of the city becomes extremely beautiful. Factories no longer discharge waste water, roofs no longer smoke, there is no noise around, and the land is green.

上一篇: 小鸭子 下一篇: 我和“小萝卜头”比童年