
作者:陈渊睿 来源:文章屋 更新时间:2024-04-26 18:04:49 三年级英语作文

我家楼下的菜地里有一棵小辣椒树,听说是邻居的张奶奶种的。 每到秋天,小辣椒树上就结起了一个个红彤彤的小辣椒。小辣椒们一个个抬着高傲又矫情的头,好象在:我们是世界是最辣的小辣椒,我们是世界是最香的小辣椒,我们是世界是最红的小辣椒,我们是最美丽的小辣椒。


It's spicy in my mouth. I never dare to touch it. Because once, after I ate a little pepper, I didn't dare to eat hot food for two days. In fact, there are many people who like to eat pepper. It is said that the pepper has been processed and exported to Japan and other places!


I didn't expect that this little pepper was still loved by foreign friends. You are so amazing!

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